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Wenhao She
Hi, Dear ImageJ group,
Thank you for your patience in advance!
We are planning to detect the strain of the structure within the cells. We use this plugin at first. http://biocomp.cnb.uam.es/~iarganda/bUnwarpJ/  Shortly about this that this devides the source and target pictures to many cubic then tries to warp them to be same as each other. We try to use it to detect the deformation of the cell and input this coefficient into the MatLab to use the spline toolbox to know the stretch of the X , Y direction and also about stretch on one point.
Question about it:
1.Do you guys have any opinion to test this way to know the precision of this way?? Our code is not perfect and we want improve it then may you have any recommendation about it?
2.as I described about that we need to analyse the stretched image in kind of big scale:15% and it is not easy for most software. Do you guys have any recommendation about plug in for this?? We keep tryiing and hope you may help us. Thanks lot.

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JACoP plugin

Aryeh Weiss
I wish to run the JACoP plugin within a macro. The macro recorder does not seem
to record the checkbox selections. The command I get looks like this:

run("JACoP ", "image_a=[10c_NR_CS_SEG (red)] image_b=[10c_NR_CS_SEG (green)]");

Note that I have already slightly modified the "image a" and "image b" keywords
to be "image_a" and "image_b", to avoid duplication.

The point is that the check-boxes do not appear (for example, I had checked the
box for Manders coefficients and for van Steensel's correlation). So my
questions are:

1. Is there a way to run this command from with a macro, and pass it all the
arguments it needs?

2. Is there a simple way to modify the code to do this (at least for part of its

BTW -- it is a very nice plug-in.

Thanks in advance
Aryeh Weiss
School of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384050
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In reply to this post by Wenhao She
for 1. That is a typical mechanical problem in the field of "deformation
measurements".  Several methods are possibles. Try this: simply draw a
virtual regular cell using a drawing software (a perfect round or a
perfect hexagon for example). Apply a well-known strain (uniform for
example) and then apply your process with these 2 theoretical images.
You will get an evaluation of the accuracy of your imaging process.
If you want to go further in the characterization, add reasonable random
noise to your 2 images and do the same.

If you work with experimental images :  apply your process using 2
images  that were recorded at the same state (2 consecutive images
without stress for example) => you will get an approximation of the
accuracy of your complete measurement process.


Wenhao She wrote:

> Hi, Dear ImageJ group,
> Thank you for your patience in advance!
> We are planning to detect the strain of the structure within the cells. We use this plugin at first. http://biocomp.cnb.uam.es/~iarganda/bUnwarpJ/  Shortly about this that this devides the source and target pictures to many cubic then tries to warp them to be same as each other. We try to use it to detect the deformation of the cell and input this coefficient into the MatLab to use the spline toolbox to know the stretch of the X , Y direction and also about stretch on one point.
> Question about it:
> 1.Do you guys have any opinion to test this way to know the precision of this way??