on ImageJ

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on ImageJ

Juan Francisco-2
Dear all:
  anyone knows how to extract from a TIFF file the size of the files (bytes) and the size of the image (widht x hight)?. I use a fortram program wich manage TIFF files but I don´t know how to extract the size of file and size of image from the TIFF file.


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Re: on ImageJ

Albert Cardona

The ij.io.TiffDecoder class will show you how.


Keep in mind ImageJ has its own way of reading tiffs, so if your tiff
files have longer headers than what ImageJ expects you may run into
trouble. If so, just have a look at the tiff file format documentation
(google will show you), for all information on how to retrieve the
header offset, width and height from the header, and then the pixels
using this info. The header length (i.e. offset until the pixels start),
as far as I remember, is written within the first couple of bytes of the
tiff file.
