open 10 bit binary image

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open 10 bit binary image

Vinesh Gautam
Hi to all,
I have an binary image of 10 bits of dimension 1408 X 1408. how can i open this using ImageJ. I am able to open the image using 16 bit unsigned by importing raw image, but after this shows the pixel value ranges from -32767 - 32514, but in my binary image these values shouldbe in the range of 0 -1023 (1024 bits). Please guide...
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Re: open 10 bit binary image

Albert Cardona

Be sure to import Raw and choose "unsigned 16-bit image" and then, in
the Image - Adjust - Brightness and Contrast dialog, it should show a
range of 0 to 65535. The range that you are showing,  -32767 to 32514,
tells me you chose "signed" and not "unsigned".

If you believe you did it right, please upgrade to the latest ij.jar .
16-bit image support has improved lately.

Since your image is 10-bit and not 16-bit, it will show much darker than
it should. Just push "Set" and adjust the limits from 0 to 1023.
