particle analisis

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particle analisis

Vanina Salgado


El día martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013 11:06, Vanina Salgado <[hidden email]> escribió:
Hi everyone.
I am using particle analisis and I have a few questions. Once I select and delete a few particles it changes the numer on the others so, how can I update the list so it reflects that. What I want is to have a list with consecutive numbers corresponding to the numers in the image and without the particles I deleted. And also if there is any way I can change the settings so the area and other mesurements apear in cm.

Thenks a lot

ps: As I am sure you have realized english is not my first lenguage so I hope I made myself clear.

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Re: particle analisis

Michael Schmid
Hi Vanena,

Concerning the first point, what is the reason you want to keep the original index number when deleting?  Maybe there is some way to solve your problem that is different from the solution you proposed (which I think is not possible with ImageJ).
Would it help to add the particles to the ROI Manager? Then you can identify the rois that you want to delete there (with 'show all' in the ROI Manager: alt-click on a particle; it will be highlighted in the ROI list); the other rois would keep their name (in More>>Options select 'use roi labels as name'). You could also write a short macro to name the ROIS by sequential numbers instead of labels like 1234-5678.

Concerning the second point, having results in cm, see Analyze>Set Sale

On Dec 3, 2013, at 15:07, Vanina Salgado wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I am using particle analisis and I have a few questions. Once I select and delete a few particles it changes the numer on the others so, how can I update the list so it reflects that. What I want is to have a list with consecutive numbers corresponding to the numers in the image and without the particles I deleted. And also if there is any way I can change the settings so the area and other mesurements apear in cm.
> Thenks a lot
> Vanina
> ps: As I am sure you have realized english is not my first lenguage so I hope I made myself clear.

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Re: particle analisis

Jean-Philippe Grossier
In reply to this post by Vanina Salgado
hi Vanina,

I'm not sure I understood what you try to do. But first, to measure areas
in cm you need to change pixel size in >image>Properties... (ctrl+shift+p).

To update your results when you have deleted particles (in the ROI manager
I guess?) you can do the following:

delete all the particles you don't want.
close the results window.
In the ROI manager, select all your particles (click in the window, then
ctrl+A). Then click on Measure (still in the ROI manager window).

Hope it would help you,


2013/12/3 Vanina Salgado <[hidden email]>

> Vanina
> El día martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013 11:06, Vanina Salgado <
> [hidden email]> escribió:
> Hi everyone.
> I am using particle analisis and I have a few questions. Once I select and
> delete a few particles it changes the numer on the others so, how can I
> update the list so it reflects that. What I want is to have a list with
> consecutive numbers corresponding to the numers in the image and without
> the particles I deleted. And also if there is any way I can change the
> settings so the area and other mesurements apear in cm.
> Thenks a lot
> Vanina
> ps: As I am sure you have realized english is not my first lenguage so I
> hope I made myself clear.
> --
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