Hello Michael,
Thanks for your reply.
I am working with macro scripting. But, come to think of it, I could use the
Plot.addText command in an analogous way you described (coordinates
relatively scaled), although this seems a bit tedious. There is no direct
macro command for labeling data points?
ir. Winnok De Vos
Research Assistant
dep. Molecular Biotechnology
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Ghent University
Coupure links 653
9000 Ghent
tel 0032.(0)
fax 0032.(0)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Schmid" <
[hidden email]>
To: <
[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: plot functions
> Hi Winnok,
> if you are writing a plugin (not a macro), you could use
> myPlot.addLabel(double x, double y, String label)
> you have to scale x and y however, addLabel expects coordinates
> between 0 and 1.
> x = (xdata-xmin)/(xmax-xmin);
> and the same for y, where xmax, xmin is the data range of the
> plot and xdata is the x-coordinate where you want the label.
> To get xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax you could use
> ij.util.Tools.getMinMax(data)
> with the data arrays that you submit to the plot function.
> Michael
> ________________________________________________________________
> On 30 May 2007, at 12:24, winnok ugent wrote:
>> Dear all
>> A small question on plotting values in imageJ. Is there a possibility of
>> adding labels to the plotted points (at the markers)?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Kind regards,
>> winnok