pluggin for ASMDW data extraction

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pluggin for ASMDW data extraction

Sylvie Le Guyader
Hi very helpful people!

I am pretty new at ImageJ but I'd like to improve my skills! I have 2
- I do very repetitive measurements so I recorded a little macro to automate
what could be automated but I would be glad to just hit one key to run my
macro. I have not been able to assign a shortcut key to it though. Is it
possible to run a macro with a shortcut key?
- I see that it is possible to open Zeiss format data directly with ImageJ.
I use a leica ASMDW which exports data in bmp and tif formats but they are
embedded in a folder file from which they need to be manually extracted to
be viewed. I really dislike their software and would much rather use ImageJ
but it is very painful to extract images from the database. Is there any
pluggin that could help me?

Thank you in advance!

Sylvie Le Guyader

Department of Biosciences
karolinska Institute
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Re: pluggin for ASMDW data extraction

Albert Cardona

- to add a shortcut key to a macro, just add the key between [] such as:

macro 'Run this and that [f5]' {

So you have to record your macro and then edit it manually in a text editor to
add the shotcut key.

- to open Zeiss images:
Have a look at the LSM Reader plugin at

The "folder file", if you give us some more information, we can maybe write a
tiny plugin that opens it and shows its contents automatically. Is it a
zipped folder? Or what exactly?
Check also google for plugins that already do so.
