Dear all,
I realized that some things in adjusting B/C have changed recently - at least on my PC. If you import a file with two channels, split them and adjust then individually B/C and merge again, ImageJ resets B/C even when you pressed Apply before.
Secondly, when you take a composite image with two color channels and again, set B/C in one channel and switch to the other channel (without applying!), adjusting there B/C for that channel, then hit "Apply", these adjustments are applied to both channels.
Maybe I am completely wrong or I messed something up completely, but some time ago, this did not happen.
Johannes-P. KOCH
University of Vienna
MFPL, Center of Molecular Biology
Department of Biochemistry
Dr. Bohrg. 9/5
A-1030 Vienna
phone +431427752809
fax +43142779528
[hidden email]
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