save DICOM help

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save DICOM help

Rachel Forman
I am using the ImageJ Tudor DICOM plugin to re-save a stack of DICOM files
and I’m experiencing two problems.  (I hope I’m not duplicating these
questions- I didn’t see them in the archives).

1. When I export the image sequence using the “save DICOM” command, each
image is saved with a different pixel spacing from the original.  For
example, the original DICOM had a pixel spacing of 0.4 x 0.4 but using the
Tudor plugin I can only save images as 1.0 x 1.0.  I have read different
documentations, one which said that the images are saved as secondary
capture images (in which case the header file would not be read, to my
understanding) and the other which said that this would only happen if no
header file is found.  How can I ensure the header is found?  (I have tried
using the “settings” to specify the DICOMDIR but this doesn’t seem to work).

2. When I save the files they are exported as exported.dcm_1,
exported.dcm_2, exported.dcm_3...  I have to rename all the files so that
they have different names and only a *.dcm extension.  Is there any way to
change the settings so that this is done automatically?

Thank you for your help,
Rachel Forman