segmentation problem after heating of starch particles

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segmentation problem after heating of starch particles

Claudia Tepelmann
Hello everyone,

I'am using imageJ for my diploma thesis. I want do determine the
perimeter from starch particles after heating.
My problem is that I can`t separate the particles from each other. I
have tried it with watershed but it didn't work.
I know it is already difficult to segment the particles by eyes but is
there a way to do this with imageJ anyway?

I hope anyone could help me to solve this problem?!
Thanks very much.

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Re: segmentation problem after heating of starch particles

Albert Cardona-2
2011/3/25 Claudia Tepelmann <[hidden email]>:

> Hello everyone,
> I'am using imageJ for my diploma thesis. I want do determine the perimeter
> from starch particles after heating.
> My problem is that I can`t separate the particles from each other. I have
> tried it with watershed but it didn't work.
> I know it is already difficult to segment the particles by eyes but is there
> a way to do this with imageJ anyway?
> I hope anyone could help me to solve this problem?!

1. Run CLAHE to equalize the image intensity
2. Run Trainable Segmentation to label a few boundaries and let the
program try to learn how to segment your images. You will still have
to separate a few yourself, but the task may be smaller.
3. If it all fails, segment them manually with TrakEM2 or with the
Segmentation Editor.


