Hi Jimena. In the Fiji distribution one can use Plug-Ins -> Utilities ->
Find Commands (Ctl-L) and get a handy search box. Typing "skel" shos three
choices: two are under Plugins>Skeleton and one "skeletonize" is under
process>Binary. I use this search dialog frequently; never seem to remember
which menu contains the command I need at the moment :).
Hope that helps.
Best regards,
John Minter
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 6:56 AM, Jimena Berni <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I seem to remember that there was a skeleton function but i cannot find it.
> I need to measure those lines and thought i could transform them in a one
> pixel width line and calculate the number of pixels.
> thanks
> Jimena
> --------------
> Dr. Jimena Berni
> Sir Henry Dale Fellow
> Department of Zoology
> University of Cambridge
> Downing Street
> CB2 3EJ
> 01223 336635
> --
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