Hi ImageJ mailing list,
I need to analyze particle surface areas from a whole batch of images. My workflow is as follows:
- setting the scale
- creating a rectangle defining the area of interest (where I want to investigate the particles)
- converting to 8-bit
- applying a threshold
- analyze particle size
- save cropped and threshold image for further analysis
Due to low contrast etc., none of the available auto thresholds can reasonably distinguish between particle and "non-particle". BUT if I split the RGB channels of the image I want to analyze in advance, discard the green and the blue channel and use only the red channel for all further process steps, I get really satisfying results. Unfortunately I don't know how to implement this action to the batch process:
- split channels
- waste the green and the blue channel image
- perform all further action only with the red channel image
I would be really grateful to get some help. Please see below my code used to perform the above mentioned action. Ideally the splitting/wasting action i am asking for is implemented directly after the cropping.
inputFolder = getInfo("image.directory");
images = getFileList(inputFolder);
outputFolder = getInfo("image.directory")+ File.separator + "processed_IMG"+File.separator;
// loop for all files in folder
for (i=0; i<images.length; i++) {
showProgress(i, images.length);
inputPath = inputFolder + images[i];
origIMG = getInfo("image.filename");
// scale IMG
run("Set Scale...", "distance=640.54 known=20 pixel=1 unit=mm");
// create spot of interest
makeRectangle(2700, 564, 252, 2058);
// save cropped image
run("Duplicate...", "title=[origIMG]");
suf = "_crop";
suffix = ""+suf+".jpg";
newIMG = replace(origIMG,".JPG",suffix); //case sensitive!
saveAs("Jpeg", outputFolder + newIMG);
// imageprocessing
run("Auto Threshold", "method=Minimum");
run("Convert to Mask");
run("Analyze Particles...", "size=0.036-Infinity circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Nothing display exclude include");
suf = "_mask";
suffix = ""+suf+".png";
newIMG = replace(origIMG,".png",suffix); //case sensitive!
saveAs("PNG", outputFolder + newIMG);