Dear all,
I'm discovering ImageJ (Fiji) Stitching plugins,
it's very usefull !
I would like to stitch from tileconfiguration.txt only, but it doesn't work in dimension 3 (no problem in dim=2, except - as expected - all 3x3 stitched images are superimposed).
I'm using Grid/Collection Stitching > Position from file; Defined by TileConfiguration
and my TileConfiguration file looks like the following :
# Define the number of dimensions we are working on
dim = 3
# Define the image coordinates
img_000.tif; ; (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
img_001.tif; ; (466.7324, -5.0000305, 0.0)
img_002.tif; ; (933.46655, -10.000092, 0.0)
img_003.tif; ; (5.2659836, 465.99997, 0.0)
img_004.tif; ; (472.46664, 460.99994, 0.0)
img_005.tif; ; (938.46655, 455.9999, 0.0)
img_006.tif; ; (10.332681, 931.99994, 0.0)
img_007.tif; ; (477.3997, 926.99994, 0.0)
img_008.tif; ; (943.46655, 921.9999, 0.0)
# Define the image coordinates
img_009.tif; ; (0.0, 0.0, 50.0)
img_010.tif; ; (466.7324, -5.0000305, 50.0)
img_011.tif; ; (933.46655, -10.000092, 50.0)
img_012.tif; ; (5.2659836, 465.99997, 50.0)
img_013.tif; ; (472.46664, 460.99994, 50.0)
img_014.tif; ; (938.46655, 455.9999, 50.0)
img_015.tif; ; (10.332681, 931.99994, 50.0)
img_016.tif; ; (477.3997, 926.99994, 50.0)
img_017.tif; ; (943.46655, 921.9999, 50.0)
Fiji loads the images and stops
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor6.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at ij.Command.runPlugIn(Command.java:148)
at ij.Command.runCommand(Command.java:97)
at ij.Executer.run(Executer.java:64)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: mpicbg.models.TranslationModel3D cannot be cast to mpicbg.models.TranslationModel2D
at mpicbg.stitching.CollectionStitchingImgLib.stitchCollection(CollectionStitchingImgLib.java:107)
at plugin.Stitching_Grid.run(Stitching_Grid.java:469)
at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(IJ.java:194)
at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:160)
... 7 more
Thanks a lot for any help,