Hi Christophe,
On 28/02/2017 21:53, Christophe Leterrier wrote:
> I'm writing a script (js) that takes a ROI in the ROI manager, process it,
> and generates a new ROI. I'd like to replace the input ROI by the output
> ROI in the ROI manager at the same place, but with a modified name. Do you
> know what is the easiest way to do that?
The Javascript below should get you started. Hope that helps.
// @ImagePlus imp
// @LogService log
var rm = RoiManager.getInstance()
roi = rm.getRoi(rm.getSelectedIndex())
// printing some output to the Console window
log.info("Now replacing ROI '" + roi.getName() +
"' with index " + rm.getSelectedIndex())
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