\t for tabulation to the log window

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\t for tabulation to the log window

Simon Roussel
With 1.38e, I cannot write a tab to the log window within a macro, with this
The tab is just ignored.

However, I found on the news:

v1.37b, 24 March 2006
-Tabs written to the "Log" window are no longer converted to spaces.

Is my statement (\t) wrong ?
Is it a bug ?
Is there another way or a workaround ?
Thanks in advance,
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Re: \t for tabulation to the log window

Wayne Rasband
It works for me. The tab is preserved when I copy the text in the Log
window to the clipboard and when I save it to a file.


> With 1.38e, I cannot write a tab to the log window within a macro,
> with this
> statement:
> print("xxx"+"\t"+"yyy").
> The tab is just ignored.
> However, I found on the news:
> v1.37b, 24 March 2006
> -Tabs written to the "Log" window are no longer converted to spaces.
> Is my statement (\t) wrong ?
> Is it a bug ?
> Is there another way or a workaround ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Simon
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24bit Color to 8 bit conversion problem

Yasunari Tosa

This happens on ImageJ 1.36b (I have not tested this on the latest).  

When I load an 24 bit color image, then Image->8bit creates all color
becomes equally
added, i.e. (R,G,B) = (255, 0,0) or (0, 255, 0) or (0, 0, 255) does not
All becomes 85.

I think that 24 bit color -> 8 bit should use the NTSC conversion routine:
      val = 0.114*B+ 0.587*G+0.299*R

Is there a reason why the conversion was not done this way?

Thank you.


Yasunari Tosa, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist
Retica Systems Inc.           Phone: 781-547-0405
201 Jones Road                Fax  : 781-894-0008
Waltham, MA 02454             Email: [hidden email]
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Re: 24bit Color to 8 bit conversion problem

Thomas Boudier-2
Yasunari Tosa a écrit :

> Hi,
> This happens on ImageJ 1.36b (I have not tested this on the latest).
> When I load an 24 bit color image, then Image->8bit creates all color
> becomes equally
> added, i.e. (R,G,B) = (255, 0,0) or (0, 255, 0) or (0, 0, 255) does
> not matter. All becomes 85.
> I think that 24 bit color -> 8 bit should use the NTSC conversion
> routine:
>      val = 0.114*B+ 0.587*G+0.299*R
> Is there a reason why the conversion was not done this way?


You can use the NTSC weights for RGB conversion by selecting the
"weighted RGB conversion" in the menu edit/options/conversions (V1.38).

> Thank you.
> Tosa

 Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Pierre et Marie Curie
 Imagerie Intégrative,Institut Curie - INSERM U759.
 Tél : 01 69 86 31 82  Fax : 01 69 07 53 27

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Re: \t for tabulation to the log window

Simon Roussel
In reply to this post by Simon Roussel
It works also for me.
The log window just does not "show" the tab, but it is there.