Yasunari Tosa a écrit :
> Hi,
> This happens on ImageJ 1.36b (I have not tested this on the latest).
> When I load an 24 bit color image, then Image->8bit creates all color
> becomes equally
> added, i.e. (R,G,B) = (255, 0,0) or (0, 255, 0) or (0, 0, 255) does
> not matter. All becomes 85.
> I think that 24 bit color -> 8 bit should use the NTSC conversion
> routine:
> val = 0.114*B+ 0.587*G+0.299*R
> Is there a reason why the conversion was not done this way?
You can use the NTSC weights for RGB conversion by selecting the
"weighted RGB conversion" in the menu edit/options/conversions (V1.38).
> Thank you.
> Tosa
Thomas Boudier, MCU Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Imagerie Intégrative,Institut Curie - INSERM U759.
Tél : 01 69 86 31 82 Fax : 01 69 07 53 27