theoretical question

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theoretical question

rona baron

In the system I work with, there are round cells, some cells with small
branches and others which are highly branched.
I want to express a quantitative differences between these morphologies.
I thought that the relationship between the volume to the surface area of
each object would give me this measure. (The more elaborate the object, the
 smaller the ratio).
Do you think  this calculation is right? or I need to count and measure the
length of the branches?

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Re: theoretical question

Doug S-3
Hi Rona,
    I have not tried this myself and am new to ImageJ and imaging
but I think that this might be a job for "Skeletonization"
This would create a skeloton for each cell,
the round cells would have a simple skeleton,
the ones with small branches would have a
skeleton with small branches and the highly branched cells
would have highly branched skeletons.
There is at least one plugin for skeleton analysis
including this one:
Looks like you could use number of branches,
average length of branches and maximum length of braches
to achieve separation of your 3 cell types.
Maybe someone else would have better advice about the details
but I think this is a good place to start

rona baron wrote:

> Hi,
> In the system I work with, there are round cells, some cells with small
> branches and others which are highly branched.
> I want to express a quantitative differences between these morphologies.
> I thought that the relationship between the volume to the surface area of
> each object would give me this measure. (The more elaborate the object, the
>  smaller the ratio).
> Do you think  this calculation is right? or I need to count and measure the
> length of the branches?
> Thanks,
> Rona
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Re: theoretical question

Aryeh Weiss
In reply to this post by rona baron
rona baron wrote:

> Hi,
> In the system I work with, there are round cells, some cells with small
> branches and others which are highly branched.
> I want to express a quantitative differences between these morphologies.
> I thought that the relationship between the volume to the surface area of
> each object would give me this measure. (The more elaborate the object, the
>  smaller the ratio).
> Do you think  this calculation is right? or I need to count and measure the
> length of the branches?
> Thanks,
> Rona

I have done this using the ratio of the area  of the cell to to area of
its convex hull. This provides a measure of concavity (which might be
defined a little differently, but is similar). The measure I suggest
will have a maximum of 1, and more "concave" objects will  have smaller

Aryeh Weiss
School of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051