universal window and level

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universal window and level

Josh Star-Lack

This is probably a simple thing but I can't seem to figure out how to get
around it.

Does anyone know if it is possible to get ImageJ to apply window/level
slider values universally to all open stacks. Right now, if I want to
compare two images in different stacks using the same brightness and
contrast settings, I have to adjust the slider values separately for each

Much thanks,
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Re: universal window and level

Wayne Rasband
> This is probably a simple thing but I can't seem to figure
> out how to get around it.
> Does anyone know if it is possible to get ImageJ to apply
> window/level slider values universally to all open stacks.
> Right now, if I want to compare two images in different
> stacks using the same brightness and contrast settings, I
> have to adjust the slider values separately for each stack.

This macro applies the window/level (brightness/contrast) of the
current image to all open images.

     getMinAndMax(min, max);
     for (i=1; i<=nImages; i++) {
          setMinAndMax(min, max);

And, in ImageJ 1.37b, there will be an "Apply to all Open Images"
checkbox the the "Set" dialog box.
