vecorizing an image

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vecorizing an image

Hi all,
Does anyone know of a plug-in which will vectorize an image i.e. extract all
lines, arcs, circles etc and write out a DXF file of them, or for lines:
start & stop coordinates, for circles: centres & radius etc
Thanks in advance.

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Re: vecorizing an image

Le 27 juil. 05, à 13:20, Mark Smith a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a plug-in which will vectorize an image i.e.
> extract all
> lines, arcs, circles etc and write out a DXF file of them, or for
> lines:
> start & stop coordinates, for circles: centres & radius etc
> Thanks in advance.
> mark

depending on what your image is (picture or drawing) this is far from
beeing straitforward and I do not think it could really be handled by a
plugin of imageJ. but there are open source tools for vectorization of
images. all the ones I know vectorize them to SVG because it is the
open source standard (DXF is somehow related to macromedia if I
remember well). here are the ones I know about:
- potrace:
- autotrace:
Potrace is included in a great open source graphic editor named
inkscape. and this provides an interface for tracing
bitmaps images.
Potrace and Autotrace are coupled with an interface in Delinate: which runs great under linux and osX
at least. I "think" that all this is in java so with some work it might
be possible to integrate it to ImageJ if you realy want to.
there are also some shareware that do the job and you should find them
easily googling a bit ("vectorization software" gives me many hits).

   Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau :
a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse,
     mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme.
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Re: vecorizing an image

In reply to this post by mark_smith
Thanks very much, autotrace does exactly what I want :-)
I can live with a stand alone application.
best regards

-----Original Message-----
From: jiho [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: 27 July 2005 15:29
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: vecorizing an image

Le 27 juil. 05, à 13:20, Mark Smith a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Does anyone know of a plug-in which will vectorize an image i.e.
> extract all
> lines, arcs, circles etc and write out a DXF file of them, or for
> lines:
> start & stop coordinates, for circles: centres & radius etc
> Thanks in advance.
> mark

depending on what your image is (picture or drawing) this is far from
beeing straitforward and I do not think it could really be handled by a
plugin of imageJ. but there are open source tools for vectorization of
images. all the ones I know vectorize them to SVG because it is the
open source standard (DXF is somehow related to macromedia if I
remember well). here are the ones I know about:
- potrace:
- autotrace:
Potrace is included in a great open source graphic editor named
inkscape. and this provides an interface for tracing
bitmaps images.
Potrace and Autotrace are coupled with an interface in Delinate: which runs great under linux and osX
at least. I "think" that all this is in java so with some work it might
be possible to integrate it to ImageJ if you realy want to.
there are also some shareware that do the job and you should find them
easily googling a bit ("vectorization software" gives me many hits).

   Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau :
a chaque nouvelle cuvee on sait que ce sera degueulasse,
     mais on en prend quand meme par masochisme.

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