Seems that you want to measure the pixel intensity for each of these pictures in a stack. It is simple:
- Select the area ( regio of interest ) you would like to measure
- Go to the tool measure - measure stack
- you will get a table with rows representing each picute
> Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 16:06:29 +0200
> From:
[hidden email]
> Subject: z stack
> To:
[hidden email]
> hi
> let's say i have about 69 images (in black and white) after i z stack . i'm
> looking for a way to convert each image to a to a new image which will be
> composed of the numbers 0 or 255 that will relate the color black or white
> as the original image.
> is there a way to do it for all the images in one time and get a 3D box
> which will be composed of the numbers - 0 or 255 ?
> if not, is there a way to convert each image one after another one? and get
> 69 tables that will be composed from the numbers 0 or 255?
> i'm desperate. hope you could help me:)
> May