Background colour ...

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Background colour ...

Dear ImageJ users,

Dear ImageJ users,

I am new to ImageJ and I am having trouble on changing colour to a background.

I have taken a photo (jpg format) of a slide on my microscope in transmitted
light, with a LED source.

I have used a Nikon Coolpix Camera 4800.

On the display of the camera the background colour seems
white, but after the download it changes to an uniform green. Using the
function: ImageJ>Process>Subtract
background (light background) it becomes clear green.

I wonder if would be possible to obtain again it white.

Also could someone suggest me an handbook or other similar where I can learn more about using “ImageJ” task?

Any other suggestions would be

Thank You!

Best Regards,


Massimo Tosi

(… an Italian
amateur naturalist)


In ricordo di "Nice":

"E Argo, che aveva visto Odisseo dopo vent’anni,

fu preso dal Fato della nera morte."

Omero, Odissea, XVII, 290-327