Batch processes through plugins

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Batch processes through plugins

Hi all,

I'm trying to do a couple operations on many files in a folder, but these operations must be done through plugins (eg BioFormats, or ND2Reader).

The recorder spits this out:

run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=[C:\\file\\path\\file.tif] insertoptionshere");

How do I make this perform the same action on all files in a list? I understand how to do this when I'm not doing it through a plugin -- my question is specifically about doing this within the plugin syntax shown above.

I'm working with the following script:

   dir = getDirectory("Choose a Directory: ");
   count = 0;
   n = 0;
   //print(count+" files processed");
   function countFiles(dir) {
      list = getFileList(dir);
      for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
          if (endsWith(list[i], "/"))

   function processFiles(dir) {
      list = getFileList(dir);
      for (i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
          if (endsWith(list[i], "/"))
          else {
             showProgress(n++, count);
             path = dir+list[i];

  function processFile(path) {
       if (endsWith(path, ".tif")) {
           [COMMAND GOES HERE]

I've tried universalizing the line that the recorder spits out, but it gives me an error.

I tried looking for this in the archives but may have been using the wrong search terms -- sorry if so. Many thanks in advance!
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Re: Batch processes through plugins

Aryeh Weiss
On 8/5/15 10:34 PM, jswalker wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to do a couple operations on many files in a folder, but these
> operations must be done through plugins (eg BioFormats, or ND2Reader).
> The recorder spits this out:
> run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=[C:\\file\\path\\file.tif]
> insertoptionshere");
> How do I make this perform the same action on all files in a list? I
> understand how to do this when I'm not doing it through a plugin -- my
> question is specifically about doing this within the plugin syntax shown
> above.
You can get your file list and insert the string variables into the
argument string, Here is an example from something I wrote:

run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=["+inputPath+"] autoscale
color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT series_"+d2s(j,0));

your argument list will look different, but the idea is the same. In my
example, I have variable for the input path (a complete path to my
file). Since I needed to loop over a set of fields in a multifield
image, I also have  "series_"+d2s(j,0) which constructs the correct
argument to get a particular field (i is a loop variable)

hope this helps

> I'm working with the following script:
> I've tried universalizing the line that the recorder spits out, but it gives
> me an error.
> I tried looking for this in the archives but may have been using the wrong
> search terms -- sorry if so. Many thanks in advance!
> --
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Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

ImageJ mailing list:
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Re: Batch processes through plugins



Yes, that's perfect, thank you. Thanks for the example, too -- I've got it now!



From: Aryeh Weiss [via ImageJ] <ml-node+[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2015 12:40 AM
To: Walker, Jillian S
Subject: Re: Batch processes through plugins
On 8/5/15 10:34 PM, jswalker wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to do a couple operations on many files in a folder, but these
> operations must be done through plugins (eg BioFormats, or ND2Reader).
> The recorder spits this out:
> run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=[C:\\file\\path\\file.tif]
> insertoptionshere");
> How do I make this perform the same action on all files in a list? I
> understand how to do this when I'm not doing it through a plugin -- my
> question is specifically about doing this within the plugin syntax shown
> above.
You can get your file list and insert the string variables into the
argument string, Here is an example from something I wrote:

run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=["+inputPath+"] autoscale
color_mode=Default view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT series_"+d2s(j,0));

your argument list will look different, but the idea is the same. In my
example, I have variable for the input path (a complete path to my
file). Since I needed to loop over a set of fields in a multifield
image, I also have  "series_"+d2s(j,0) which constructs the correct
argument to get a particular field (i is a loop variable)

hope this helps

> I'm working with the following script:
> I've tried universalizing the line that the recorder spits out, but it gives
> me an error.
> I tried looking for this in the archives but may have been using the wrong
> search terms -- sorry if so. Many thanks in advance!
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

Aryeh Weiss
Faculty of Engineering
Bar Ilan University
Ramat Gan 52900 Israel

Ph:  972-3-5317638
FAX: 972-3-7384051

ImageJ mailing list:

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