High Andrew,
make sure that you set the pixels for masking to exactly zero.
If you set them to, e.g. 1, you can't see a difference, but it won't
do anything.
Also I'd suggest that you upgrade to 1.41k or later: Then it is
enough if you mask the stripes on only one side; ImageJ will add the
mask on the other side for you (with better symmetry than you could
get manually).
For your application, you might also try the FFT>Bandpass filter with
"filter small structures" set to 0, "filter large structures" at a
very high value (e.g. a million), "suppress stripes" set to
"horizontal" and a percentage value that you have to find by trial
and error.
On 31 Oct 2008, at 16:42, Andrew Vaughan wrote:
> Dear All.
> I've been trying to remove some line frequency interference from
> confocal images by generating FFTs
> of the images and masking the frequencies using the region
> selection and fill method mentioned in
> the online documentation. However, when I reverse Fourier transform
> the frequency domain image
> the lines are still there. When I subsequently perform another FFT
> on the resulting image I find that
> the region(s) have been ignored and the frequency domain image
> appears identical to the original.
> I'm using Image J version 1.41g on an Intel Mac running OS X
> 10.4.11. The images are either slices
> from Bio-Rad pic files or TIFFs of these.
> Thanks.
> Yours sincerely,
> Andrew Vaughan.