Hi Harriet,
can you create a short macro that shows the problem?
E.g., ĺike this macro (which works with ImageJ 1.52t42):
run("Blobs (25K)");
makeOval(63, 49, 48, 57);
makeOval(136, 114, 73, 73);
roiManager("Save", "/tmp/RoiSet.zip");
setBackgroundColor(255, 255, 255);
run("Clear Outside");
When you load a ROI from a file into the Roi Manager, you have to select
it to make it the active ROI.
On 28.01.20 10:28, Oliver, Harriet wrote:
> Hi all
> I wonder if anyone can help me. I am having an issue with my ROIs on ImageJ. Once I’ve drawn, combined and saved my ROIs and then I try and clear the background, the Clear Outside command also clears within my ROIs. This is obviously a huge problem for my analysis. I have tried using ROIs drawn and sent to my computer by another user, and those ROIs work fine – they are not cleared along with the background. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Fiji and it is completely up to date on my computer, but still my ROIs are being cleared inside. I can’t find anything online with advice about this problem. Does anyone know what might be going wrong?
> Any help with be hugely, hugely appreciated.
> Many thanks
> Harriet
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