Clearing outside clears inside ROIs

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Clearing outside clears inside ROIs

Oliver, Harriet
Hi all

I wonder if anyone can help me. I am having an issue with my ROIs on ImageJ. Once I’ve drawn, combined and saved my ROIs and then I try and clear the background, the Clear Outside command also clears within my ROIs. This is obviously a huge problem for my analysis. I have tried using ROIs drawn and sent to my computer by another user, and those ROIs work fine – they are not cleared along with the background. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Fiji and it is completely up to date on my computer, but still my ROIs are being cleared inside. I can’t find anything online with advice about this problem. Does anyone know what might be going wrong?

Any help with be hugely, hugely appreciated.

Many thanks


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Re: Clearing outside clears inside ROIs

Michael Schmid
Hi Harriet,

can you create a short macro that shows the problem?

E.g., ĺike this macro (which works with ImageJ 1.52t42):

run("Blobs (25K)");
makeOval(63, 49, 48, 57);
makeOval(136, 114, 73, 73);
roiManager("Save", "/tmp/");
setBackgroundColor(255, 255, 255);
run("Clear Outside");

When you load a ROI from a file into the Roi Manager, you have to select
it to make it the active ROI.

On 28.01.20 10:28, Oliver, Harriet wrote:

> Hi all
> I wonder if anyone can help me. I am having an issue with my ROIs on ImageJ. Once I’ve drawn, combined and saved my ROIs and then I try and clear the background, the Clear Outside command also clears within my ROIs. This is obviously a huge problem for my analysis. I have tried using ROIs drawn and sent to my computer by another user, and those ROIs work fine – they are not cleared along with the background. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Fiji and it is completely up to date on my computer, but still my ROIs are being cleared inside. I can’t find anything online with advice about this problem. Does anyone know what might be going wrong?
> Any help with be hugely, hugely appreciated.
> Many thanks
> Harriet

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Re: Clearing outside clears inside ROIs

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In reply to this post by Oliver, Harriet
Hi Harriet,

If the figure is just what you want, you could do as follow...

draw ROI1
draw ROI2

either use roiManager("OR")  or ("XOR");

Edit/Clear Outside


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