Registration of 3D stacks

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Registration of 3D stacks

Yongqiang Chen
Dear ImageJ experts,

I did two CT scanning. There is a small angle difference between these two scanning stacks. For each scanning, there are around 1000 slices. Could anybody help me register these two image stacks?

Best Regards

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Re: Registration of 3D stacks

Gabriel Landini
On Tuesday, 28 January 2020 17:09:05 GMT Yongqiang Chen wrote:
> I did two CT scanning. There is a small angle difference between these two
> scanning stacks. For each scanning, there are around 1000 slices. Could
> anybody help me register these two image stacks?

If you do not find a way to do this in IJ, one of our researchers used a
program called 3D Slicer to register microCT volumes. That has many methods of
Perhaps you should take a look:



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Re: Registration of 3D stacks

Stein Rørvik
In reply to this post by Yongqiang Chen
It is possible to do it in ImageJ, but how easy or difficult it is depends a lot on your samples.
I have found both the plugin "Rigid Registration" from the VIB project,
and the Fiji built-in plugin "Descriptor-based registration (2d/3d)"  to work with my µCT data.
But it takes a lot of work to get perfect results, so you may try something else first.

The above plugins depend on being able to automatically match objects in your scan,
so your data must contain preferably bright spots that can be matched in the two scans.
Can you perhaps post a sample 2D image?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 28. januar 2020 18:09
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Registration of 3D stacks

Dear ImageJ experts,

I did two CT scanning. There is a small angle difference between these two scanning stacks. For each scanning, there are around 1000 slices. Could anybody help me register these two image stacks?

Best Regards

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