Try Process-filters-median. Radius 1 or 2 pixels should do the job.
Good luck
Ruy Jaeger
On 12/8/08 4:26 PM, "Arrate Munoz Barrutia" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Is there any nice plugin to denoise confocal images? Thanks a lot in advance.
> Best
> Arrate
Dr. Ruy G. Jaeger, DDS, MSD, PhD
University of Sao Paulo Institute of Biomedical Sciences
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1524
Rooms 302 (Office and microscopy room) and 405 (Laboratory)
Sao Paulo SP 05508-900
Phones: 55-11-30918454 (office), 30918034 (Lab) FAX 55-11-30917402
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