> I had written some code in Imagej 1.37v, one of the commands was to
> "Make Binary" and it used to work fine, But in the new version of
> 1.38x, the same command yields different results. The image is changed
> into Inverting LUT and is not same as before.
> Why does the image has the inverting LUT when i don't even ask for it?
> When I did set the black background in the options menu, the inverting
> LUT goes away, but the image seems to be inverted as compared to the
> result of Make Binary from imagej 1.37v.
> Is there a good solution where the new imageJ version would produce
> the same result as the old imagej version for the Make Binary
> command???
This macro works like the Make Binary command in ImageJ 1.37v. It
creates black objects on a white background, with no inverting lookup
table and background pixel values of 255. Newer versions of ImageJ use
an inverting lookup table so that background values are zero.
run("Options...", "iterations=1 count=1");
run("Make Binary");
run("Invert LUT");
You can create a "Make Binary Like v1.37" command by saving this macro
in the plugins folder as "Make_Binary_Like_v1.37.txt" and restarting