Dynamic text window

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Dynamic text window


I would like to know how to create a window holding dynamic text entries in IJ: The entries could be edited (renamed) and moved around within a hierarchy (groups, subgroups). Some actions within the text window would trigger further actions in the active image (e.g. showing a selection). Some actions performed in the image should also modify the content of the window (e.g. create a new entry).

It would be something similar to the ROI manager but more flexible. I know that some IJ plugins implement a similar mechanism (TrakeEM2 comes to my mind). Does it strictly require writing a plugin (and possibly the use of some external Java libraries) or is there such an IJ structure and can it be controlled directly from IJ macro language?


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Re: Dynamic text window

I don't have a simple answer for you, but I've created several renditions of a dialog box (see Built-in Macro Functions, Dialog. series) that is contained within a for loop. I use indices or true/false statements to activate or disable certain portions of the dialog box using if,then statements. I'm essentially scanning through series of ROIs (numbered in the for loop), and if an option is changed by the user, the true/false variable changes, the if loop is activated/disabled, and the for loop index is reduced by 1 so that the same ROI is displayed on the next loop but the dialog box has changed.

I would post an example, but the logic is parsed out over several hundred lines of code. Hence, I don't have a simple answer, but this type of structuring can be coded in IJ macro language.
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Re: Dynamic text window

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your help. It would unfortunately not be flexible enough but I
got the idea! In the end I sticked to what IJ is good at: images, and
rendered the text in an image.


On 18 March 2015 at 16:45, mattjackson <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I don't have a simple answer for you, but I've created several renditions
> of
> a dialog box (see Built-in Macro Functions, Dialog. series) that is
> contained within a for loop. I use indices or true/false statements to
> activate or disable certain portions of the dialog box using if,then
> statements. I'm essentially scanning through series of ROIs (numbered in
> the
> for loop), and if an option is changed by the user, the true/false variable
> changes, the if loop is activated/disabled, and the for loop index is
> reduced by 1 so that the same ROI is displayed on the next loop but the
> dialog box has changed.
> I would post an example, but the logic is parsed out over several hundred
> lines of code. Hence, I don't have a simple answer, but this type of
> structuring can be coded in IJ macro language.
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://imagej.1557.x6.nabble.com/Dynamic-text-window-tp5011982p5012042.html
> Sent from the ImageJ mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

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