I'm trying to extract pixel or image data from an Roi with the intent of
displaying it elsewhere but magnified. I can create an Roi that follows
the mouse pointer in my JImagePanel. This code displays a 21x21 Roi
centered on the cursor/mouse/toolTip and displays just as planned.
// overlay and roi creation
private Overlay overlay = new Overlay();
private int roiHalfHeight = 10;
private int roiHalfWidth = 10;
private Roi toolTipRoi = new Roi(0, 0, 2*roiHalfWidth + 1,
2*roiHalfHeight + 1);
// when an new TIFF image is read
// ejip is JImagePanel
// the mouse motion adaptor for the JImagePanel
ejip.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionAdapter() {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
int xPos = (int) (e.getX());
int yPos = (int) (e.getY());
toolTipRoi.setLocation((double) (xPos - roiHalfWidth - 1),
(double)(yPos - roiHalfHeight - 1));
How do I capture the image in the Roi so that I may display it magnifiled?
This line displays a sequence of copies of the original image which is not
what I want:
new ImagePlus("selected region", ejip.imp.getProcessor().crop()).show();
Thanks, Nate
When I was 12 I thought I would live forever.
So far, so good.
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