i'm a newbie with imagej but it't the best tool to achieve what i need in
opinion of many photoshop experts. i was able to achieve this task in
photoshop but it is not as precise.i take a patients tooth photo with one
of 16 shades nearby (VITA Shader).
[image: Inline images 1]
[image: Inline images 3]
i need to find:
a)one closest shade for a whole tooth
[image: Inline images 5]
b)shade for the tooth neck, middle and biting edge.
[image: Inline images 4]
c)create color map like on the picture coming from SpectroShade (dental
expensive equipment).
[image: Inline images 2]
1)what steps should i do to achieve this?
please help me and write in a simple way;)
2)should i open in imagej a picture where A3 shade on the picture matches
the shades below (shades and replacement colors) so it would be already
manipulated or should i open RAW/NEF and calibrate shades in imagej?
thanks in advance
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