Gigabit Ethernet Camera Interface?

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Gigabit Ethernet Camera Interface?

Burger Wilhelm
Hello list,

I was wondering if anyone has tried to connect ImageJ to the new breed
of Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) cameras or knows of any available
Java-friendly SDKs for doing so. Any hints to free or commercial
implementations are welcome.

Thanks much,
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Re: Gigabit Ethernet Camera Interface?

Daniel Brown-3
Our SIDX software product supports cameras from many vendors from within
ImageJ. Several of these vendors have cameras that use Gigabit Ethernet
interfaces. See, the list of supported cameras
is at

The camera vendors will encourage you to use specific Gigabit Ethernet
computer interface boards in order to achieve the rated camera performance.
Our experience is that the vendors are correct, we see order-of-magnitude
differences in throughput between various Gigabit Ethernet computer
interface boards, even though all claim to be running at an underlying data
rate of 1000M bits/s.