I use that functionality in the following way:
private ImagePlus createBinary(ImagePlus img, boolean scale) {
log.log(Level.FINEST, "Creating Binary Image");
BinaryProcessor proc = new BinaryProcessor(new
log.log(Level.FINEST, "Created Binary Image");
return new ImagePlus(img.getTitle(), proc);
} //createBinary
There might be an easier way to do this but this works for me!
kataner wrote:
> HI there,
> i hope you can help me. I'm new too ImageJ and trying to use some of the
> functions in a program i have to write. I tried to find a good way to run
> the "make binary" command but couldn't find a way. Maybe i ask too early but
> it would be great if someone could help me with this. Nice would be
> Java-Code.
> Greetings kataner
> P.S.: Excuse my bad english