On Fri, 16 Jul 2010, Donny George wrote:
> I am excited about using the command Process-> Find Edge for analysing
> my images. However I believe I would like to add on to certain aspects
> on this particular feature. I tried to figure out the code from the
> imagej website but i was not able to. Could someone please guide where i
> could find the java source code for this feature.
You can find it here:
http://pacific.mpi-cbg.de/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=ImageJA.git;a=blob;f=ij/process/ImageProcessor.java;hb=refs/heads/master#l1283(The filter() method is abstract in the ImageProcessor class, and is
implemented in each subclass exlicitely.)
For what it's worth, I found it by starting Fiji's Script Editor (in a
Fiji built from source including ImageJ), calling Tools>Open .java file
for menu item..., and following a few calls through Tools>Open .java file
for class...