NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

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NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

Dale Thayer

Has anyone done a plug-in for the Euresys Picolo frame grabber, or any
NTSC frame grabber?

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Re: NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

Edmund Koh
Dear Dale,

Try to work on one of the plug-in with some frame grabber.
Haven't managed to away any way because I am not that familiar with java

May be you can try to use TWAIN for some frame grabber.
If you received any response do share with me. Thank you.

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale Thayer" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 4:55 PM
Subject: NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

> Hello,
> Has anyone done a plug-in for the Euresys Picolo frame grabber, or any
> NTSC frame grabber?
> Thanks.
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Re: NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

Edmund Koh
In reply to this post by Dale Thayer
Hi Dale,

Forgotten to include in the previous email.
I know you can used Leutron Vision frame grabber PicPort Color with TWAIN.
Just need to install the driver and you have access to the frame grabber
capturing capability.
Hope that it help.

Best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dale Thayer" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 4:55 PM
Subject: NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

> Hello,
> Has anyone done a plug-in for the Euresys Picolo frame grabber, or any
> NTSC frame grabber?
> Thanks.
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Re: NTSC frame grabber support (or Euresys Picolo frame grabber)

Vincenzo Della Mea
In reply to this post by Dale Thayer
If you intend on Windows systems, we are currently working with the  
quicktime plugin.
If your framegrabber has a wdm or VfW driver, you can wrap it with a  
VDIG driver and use the quicktime plugin (following the methodology  
explained at http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/plugins/qt-capture.html).
TWAIN can be a good idea if you do not need unsupervised acquisition,  
as some driver does not implement capture without dialog.


-----------------------------  Vincenzo Della Mea, PhD  
------------ Medical Informatics, Telemedicine and e-health Lab  
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Udine, Italy
-----------------------  http://www.dimi.uniud.it/dellamea/ 
-------  PGP Key ID 963791BF registered at http://pgpkeys.mit.edu/   