Need length included on area measurements, Xenopus laevis

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Need length included on area measurements, Xenopus laevis

Dear Community,

I am trying to do area measurements for somites on xenopus laevis.

After setting my scale, and using the line icon to (draw freehand) I then do ctrl+m to get my measurements on a table. These measurements include area, mean, min, max and length.

Here are my questions:

Q#1: for the min, is it always 0?
Q#2: Because I only need the area measurements for the somites and not the notochord, how would I add both sides of the somites?
Q#3: If I have 5 other samples can they all be included in one table?
I am attaching what this looks like named AreaMeas.Testing1 in PDF format.

You may notice that by doing it this way, it may not be the most accurate because I am trying to trace/outline around the somites and doing it with my mouse is not perfect.
So, i tried another method which was by setting my scale, then threshold, ROI manager, and used the wand tool to trace the somites. This was great at perfectly tracing around the somites, but when i tried measuring there is no length.

Q#4: is there a way to trace the somites without having to do them by hand and get area measurements that include the length?
I am attaching a picture of what this looks like "test6" in pdf format.Test6.pdf

Thank you all kindly for your time and help.


