Have a look at a macro I wrote for something completely different.
http://rsb.info.nih.gov/ij/macros/tools/MeasurePieSegmentsTool.txtYou will need to alter the angles I put in for my work, and use your
own. You might also want to do two measurements: one with a small
radius (inner segement) one for a larger radius (inner and outer
segment). Perhaps you can even subtract on inner segment from the
outer as you go along.
On Jul 25, 2005, at 5:23 PM, Gary Laevsky wrote:
> Hello All,
> I received a great deal of help with my last inquiry so I'm dipping
> into the well again (one day, I hope to be a supplier).
> I have an image of a cartilage disc. First, I would like to
> segment this image into "pie" shaped portions, 10 degrees each
> (different conditions for different regions around the disc). Then
> this will be segmented into inner and outer portions. We will be
> analyzing the outer capsule of this disc as compared to the inner
> capsule, within each pie section.
> I think this is pretty complex and I truly do appreciate any help I
> get.
> Thanks again in advance.
> Best,
> Gary
> Gary Laevsky, Ph.D.
> Keck Facility Manager, CenSSIS
> Northeastern University
> 302 Stearns
> 360 Huntington Ave.
> Boston, MA 02115
> voice(617) 373 - 2589<br>
> fax(617) 373 - 7783<br><br>