Plugin error

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Plugin error

Hi all,

    I have installed Ortview plugin, but when I try to run it an error
message shows up:

"Plugin or class not found: "Mednuc.Ortview_"
(java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError: Mednuc/OrtView_ (wrong name: OrtView_))"

    I don't have any idea about java programing so I don't understand
what it's mean.
    If someone can help, I'll appreciate  it!!

    Thanks, Alejo
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Re: Plugin error


On Wed, 31 Jan 2007, Alejo wrote:

>    I have installed Ortview plugin, but when I try to run it an error message
> shows up:
> "Plugin or class not found: "Mednuc.Ortview_"
> (java_lang_NoClassDefFoundError: Mednuc/OrtView_ (wrong name:
> OrtView_))"

That's a problem with the package name. The class file is searched in
package Mednuc, but it really is not in any package.

Probably you just renamed to OrtView_classes.jar, and
did not unpack as instructed?

The thing is this: inside a jar, the directory structure _must_ reflect
the package structure. And in the zip, OrtView_.class is in the directory
Mednuc, while the source does not say explicitely that it is in package

So, to fix the problem, just unpack the zip into your plugins directory.

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Re: Plugin error

In reply to this post by alejo-4
The error message you're seeing suggests that there's a problem with the way the Ortview plugin was installed or loaded in ImageJ.

It's possible that the plugin was not installed correctly, or that the file name of the plugin class is incorrect. The error message is indicating that it's looking for a class called "Mednuc.Ortview_" but it's finding a class with the name "OrtView_" instead. This could be caused by a typo in the file name or by the plugin being placed in the wrong directory.

Here are some steps you can take to try to resolve the issue:

Check that the plugin is installed in the correct directory. The Ortview plugin should be placed in the "plugins" folder within the ImageJ installation directory.

Check that the file name of the plugin class is correct. The plugin class should be named "OrtView_.class". Make sure that there are no typos or spelling errors in the file name.

If the plugin is in a subdirectory within the plugins directory, make sure that the directory name matches the package name of the plugin. In this case, the plugin class should be in a directory named "Mednuc".

Try reinstalling the Ortview plugin from the source to ensure that it was installed correctly.

Check that the version of the plugin is compatible with your version of ImageJ.

If you're still having trouble after trying these steps, it's possible that there is an issue with the plugin itself or with your ImageJ installation. You may want to try reinstalling ImageJ or contacting the developer of the Ortview plugin for further assistance.

Rachel Gomez