27 maj 2009 kl. 16.08 skrev Wayne Rasband:
> On May 27, 2009, at 5:14 AM, Karl Wettin wrote:
>> I want to use the histogram plugin to do some simple automated
>> computer vision thingies, but I can't figure out how to load an
>> image and pass it down to the plugin from my code.
> Use the getStatistics() method of the ImagePlus class to get the
> histogram.
> ImagePlus imp = IJ.openImage(path);
> int[] histogram = imp.getStatistics().histogram;
Excellent, thanks!
This works really well. I'm using the histogram to classify real
estate images as photos or blueprints with the Weka IBk (k=2) and I
get 100% certainty with 2000 images as ground truth and testing on
10000 images. (Not sure what to use it for, but it's really cool. ;)