Dear all,
I would like some information about the batch mode in a macro,
I use several plugins to process images, I don't really need the opened
stacks so I wanted to hide them to free my screen, focus on the plugin I
need and free the task bar (I don't want to close them, with the hide those
stacks are still available for others plugins).
In a macro level I can successfully hide the stacks using the batch mode.
My problem is once the macro ended I can't recover the hidden stack and,
biggest problem, I can't close them resulting in a memory leak.
The only way I found to get the hidden stack back is to exit the batch mode
in the same macro, so I had to write a loop that wait for an event to show
and close the previously hidden stack.
I don't feel comfortable with that macro having to run continuously in the
background (and eating my CPU).
Did you have an idea how I can exit a previous batch mode in a new macro or
close all the stack, even hidden, to avoid a memory leak ?
Best regards,
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