OK, I will explain in another way.
I have the set of slices (images) (87 slices) made in z-plane direction with
resolution 512x512. I imported them with ImageJ software as the stack. Then
with the Reslice option, I have made reslices in x plane direction and the
window shows the info that the output resolution of the x-slice is 512x556.
I would like to do this operation in my application using some ImageJ
classes. I dont know how the ImageJ soft calculated this 512x556 but it had
to use the spacing (in my case it is 5.0).
On 2/10/07, Johannes Schindelin <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Bartlomiej Wilkowski wrote:
> > The problem appears with making the slices in x an y directions. I must
> > specify somewhere the spacings etc. I have lets say 87 images in the
> > stack, but my slice dimensions will not obviously be 512x87 but in my
> > case 512x556 pixels (i ve checked it with ImageJ executable software).
> I don't understand. Where does 556 come from?
> Ciao,
> Dscho