Reslicing in x,y,z directions the volume

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Reslicing in x,y,z directions the volume

Bartlomiej Wilkowski
Hello everybody,

I would like to reslice the volume data given in the array of type int[] or

These are the images in z-direction, and I would like to create a stack from
them and then using some ImageJ class prepare the ImagePlus images as the
slices in x,y, or z direction.

For the z direction it is quite easy. I have images 512x512 pixels, so I
read one element of int[][] array and I have the image.

The problem appears with making the slices in x an y directions. I must
specify somewhere the spacings etc. I have lets say 87 images in the stack,
but my slice dimensions will not obviously be 512x87 but in my case 512x556
pixels (i ve checked it with ImageJ executable software). Now I would like
to write the code which do exactly the same but I dont know which classes to

Anybody  can help? Thx in advance!

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Re: Reslicing in x,y,z directions the volume


On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Bartlomiej Wilkowski wrote:

> The problem appears with making the slices in x an y directions. I must
> specify somewhere the spacings etc. I have lets say 87 images in the
> stack, but my slice dimensions will not obviously be 512x87 but in my
> case 512x556 pixels (i ve checked it with ImageJ executable software).

I don't understand. Where does 556 come from?

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Re: Reslicing in x,y,z directions the volume

Bartlomiej Wilkowski
OK, I will explain in another way.

I have the set of slices (images) (87 slices) made in z-plane direction with
resolution 512x512. I imported them with ImageJ software as the stack. Then
with the Reslice option, I have made reslices in x plane direction and the
window shows the info that the output resolution of the x-slice is 512x556.
I would like to do this operation in my application using some ImageJ
classes. I dont know how the ImageJ soft calculated this 512x556 but it had
to use the spacing (in my case it is 5.0).


On 2/10/07, Johannes Schindelin <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Fri, 9 Feb 2007, Bartlomiej Wilkowski wrote:
> > The problem appears with making the slices in x an y directions. I must
> > specify somewhere the spacings etc. I have lets say 87 images in the
> > stack, but my slice dimensions will not obviously be 512x87 but in my
> > case 512x556 pixels (i ve checked it with ImageJ executable software).
> I don't understand. Where does 556 come from?
> Ciao,
> Dscho