Text Area with scroll bar

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Text Area with scroll bar

Jon Harman

Is there an easy way to pop up a text message that contains a scroll
bar?  I used IJ.ShowMessage to give a help message, but it got so big
that on some screens the "OK" button on the bottom became impossible to
reach.  Since the window close button on the top doesn't work (at least
on windows machines)  this causes ImageJ to lock up forever!  I am not a
Java expert and wonder if there is a simple solution.

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Re: Text Area with scroll bar

Wayne Rasband
> Is there an easy way to pop up a text message that contains a scroll
> bar?  I used IJ.ShowMessage to give a help message, but it got so big
> that on some screens the "OK" button on the bottom became impossible
> to reach.  Since the window close button on the top doesn't work (at
> least on windows machines)  this causes ImageJ to lock up forever!  I
> am not a Java expert and wonder if there is a simple solution.

You could display the text in a editor window. Here is an example:

     String text =
         "This plugin demonstrates how to open an \n" +
         "editor window containing some text.\n" +
         "\n" +
         "This could be used to display online help";
     Editor ed = new Editor();
     ed.setSize(350, 300);
     ed.create("My Editor", text);

You will need to add "import ij.plugin.frame.Editor;" to the import
