Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

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Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

Maciej Rudzinski
Hello everyone,

During image review at high magnification I need to apply threshold. At the time I have "interpolate zoomed images" option turned on. The threshold seems to be working off the original non-interpolated image rather than the current view. To work around I re-size the images and then apply the threshold but this is very inconvenient.

I'd appreciate any input or ideas on how to solve this with a macro or any other way.


Maciej Rudzinski
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Re: Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

Wayne Rasband
> Hello everyone,
> During image review at high magnification I need to apply threshold. At the time I have "interpolate zoomed images" option turned on. The threshold seems to be working off the original non-interpolated image rather than the current view. To work around I re-size the images and then apply the threshold but this is very inconvenient.

> I'd appreciate any input or ideas on how to solve this with a macro or any other way.

You can use a macro something like this:

   run("Capture Image");
   run("Convert to Mask");

It uses the Plugins>Utilities>Capture Image command to create an interpolated version of the image, then converts it to 8-bits, sets the threshold and applies it. Use setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark") if the image has a dark background. "Otsu" can be replaced with any of the 15 thresholding methods available in ImageJ 1.42 or later.

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Re: Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

Michael Schmid
In reply to this post by Maciej Rudzinski
Hi Maciej,

in my view there is no way to improve this:
If you zoom in, interpolation is only for display, but the image data are
still the original pixels. If you threshold these data, a pixel can be
only red or gray. You can't have a pixel that is partially thresholded.
For all subsequent operations, such as 'Analyze Particles', a pixel can be
inside the thresholded area or outside, nothing in between. There is no
way to have an information like "The upper 1/5 of the pixel are
thresholded". After all, a pixel is by definition the smallest entity in
an image.

So your solution of Adjust Size with interpolation is the only way to get
what you want.


On Sat, December 19, 2009 17:59, Maciej Rudzinski wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> During image review at high magnification I need to apply threshold. At
> the time I have "interpolate zoomed images" option turned on. The
> threshold seems to be working off the original non-interpolated image
> rather than the current view. To work around I re-size the images and then
> apply the threshold but this is very inconvenient.
> I'd appreciate any input or ideas on how to solve this with a macro or any
> other way.
> Regards,
> Maciej Rudzinski
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Re: Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

Maciej Rudzinski
In reply to this post by Wayne Rasband

Many thanks!
I'll follow you suggestion.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Rasband" <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 8:09:42 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

> Hello everyone,
> During image review at high magnification I need to apply threshold. At the time I have "interpolate zoomed images" option turned on. The threshold seems to be working off the original non-interpolated image rather than the current view. To work around I re-size the images and then apply the threshold but this is very inconvenient.

> I'd appreciate any input or ideas on how to solve this with a macro or any other way.

You can use a macro something like this:

run("Capture Image");
run("Convert to Mask");

It uses the Plugins>Utilities>Capture Image command to create an interpolated version of the image, then converts it to 8-bits, sets the threshold and applies it. Use setAutoThreshold("Otsu dark") if the image has a dark background. "Otsu" can be replaced with any of the 15 thresholding methods available in ImageJ 1.42 or later.

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Re: Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

Maciej Rudzinski
In reply to this post by Michael Schmid

Thank you for your inputs.


Maciej R.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Schmid" <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Sunday, December 20, 2009 12:30:07 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: Threshold on interpolated zoomed view

Hi Maciej,

in my view there is no way to improve this:
If you zoom in, interpolation is only for display, but the image data are
still the original pixels. If you threshold these data, a pixel can be
only red or gray. You can't have a pixel that is partially thresholded.
For all subsequent operations, such as 'Analyze Particles', a pixel can be
inside the thresholded area or outside, nothing in between. There is no
way to have an information like "The upper 1/5 of the pixel are
thresholded". After all, a pixel is by definition the smallest entity in
an image.

So your solution of Adjust Size with interpolation is the only way to get
what you want.


On Sat, December 19, 2009 17:59, Maciej Rudzinski wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> During image review at high magnification I need to apply threshold. At
> the time I have "interpolate zoomed images" option turned on. The
> threshold seems to be working off the original non-interpolated image
> rather than the current view. To work around I re-size the images and then
> apply the threshold but this is very inconvenient.
> I'd appreciate any input or ideas on how to solve this with a macro or any
> other way.
> Regards,
> Maciej Rudzinski