bug in 'Analyze -> Plot Proflle' when fixed y-axis scale selected

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bug in 'Analyze -> Plot Proflle' when fixed y-axis scale selected

Neil Fazel
Analyze -> Plot Proflle normally displays plot x and y in the gray box at the bottom of the profile plot window. But when fixed y-axis scale is used, the values displayed don't refer to the profile plot; instead they seem to match the values displayed in the ImageJ status bar; they also acquire subpixel resolution. To reproduce:

1) take an image, draw a straight line through it, and profile it using Analyze -> Plot profile; note that when moving the cursor vertically on the profile plot window the values displayed in the gray box do not change.
2) use Edit -> Options -> Profile Plot Options..., set Minimum Y to 0 and Maximum Y to 100, then check the box 'Fixed y-axis scale'
3) use Analyze -> Plot profile to open a new profile plot image; now moving the cursor vertically on the profile plot causes the values in the gray box to change, and the values no longer refer to the plot values and are instead the same as the values on the ImageJ status bar; they are also subpixel values, even when subpixel resolution has not been selected.


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Re: bug in 'Analyze -> Plot Proflle' when fixed y-axis scale selected

Rasband, Wayne (NIH/NIMH) [E]
On Jun 17, 2014, at 2:44 PM, Neil Fazel wrote:

> Analyze -> Plot Proflle normally displays plot x and y in the gray box at the bottom of the profile plot window. But when fixed y-axis scale is used, the values displayed don't refer to the profile plot; instead they seem to match the values displayed in the ImageJ status bar; they also acquire subpixel resolution.

This bug is fixed in the latest ImageJ daily build (1.49c14).


> To reproduce:
> 1) take an image, draw a straight line through it, and profile it using Analyze -> Plot profile; note that when moving the cursor vertically on the profile plot window the values displayed in the gray box do not change.
> 2) use Edit -> Options -> Profile Plot Options..., set Minimum Y to 0 and Maximum Y to 100, then check the box 'Fixed y-axis scale'
> 3) use Analyze -> Plot profile to open a new profile plot image; now moving the cursor vertically on the profile plot causes the values in the gray box to change, and the values no longer refer to the plot values and are instead the same as the values on the ImageJ status bar; they are also subpixel values, even when subpixel resolution has not been selected.
> Thanks,
> Neil
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

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