using the MIP plug-in with WCIF ImageJ

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using the MIP plug-in with WCIF ImageJ

michael shaffer
hello ImageJ SIG (Nathaniel and Tony) from Newfoundland  :o)
I want very much to use the "Multiple Image Processor for ImageJ", but I'm
having a problem getting it to work.  My personal installation, and the
version I have been recommending to the students, is the ImageJ installation
as available from the Wright Cell Imaging Facility (WCIF).

Instructions were to install the MIP 'java' file in the
'imagej\plugins\filters' directory, but the 'filters' directory did not
exist ... so I created it, and put (only) the 'java' file there.  The result
is no instance of "filters" or the MIP plug-in as an ImageJ plug-in(?)  I
even tried putting all of the MIP files there, but still nothing(?)  Any

Genuinely, Michael Shaffer  :o)

SEM/MLA Research Coordinator
     (709) 737-6799 (ofc)
     (709) 737-6790 (lab)
     (709) 737-6193 (FAX) 

Inco Innovation Centre
c/o Memorial University
230 Elizabeth Avenue
P.O. Box 4200
St. John's, NL A1C 5S7
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Re: using the MIP plug-in with WCIF ImageJ

Wayne Rasband
> I want very much to use the "Multiple Image Processor for
> ImageJ", but I'm having a problem getting it to work.  My
> personal installation, and the version I have been
> recommending to the students, is the ImageJ installation
> as available from the Wright Cell Imaging Facility (WCIF).

> Instructions were to install the MIP 'java' file in the
> 'imagej\plugins\filters' directory, but the 'filters' directory
> did not exist ... so I created it, and put (only) the 'java' file
> there.  The result is no instance of "filters" or the MIP
> plug-in as an ImageJ plug-in(?)  I even tried putting all
> of the MIP files there, but still nothing(?)  Any suggestions?

The Multiple Image Processor plugin at

is distributed as a JAR file ("M_I_P.jar"). All you have to do is  
copy this file to the ImageJ plugins folder, restart ImageJ, and  
there will be a new "Multiple Image Processor" command in the Plugins  
menu. You can also copy the file to an immediate subfolder of the  
plugins folder. In this case, after restarting ImageJ, the command  
will appear in the submenu of the Plugins menu that corresponds to  
the subfolder.

Plugins distributed as .java files are also copied to the plugins  
folder or subfolder, but they have to be compiled (translated  
to .class files) using the Plugins>Compile and Run command.

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Re: using the MIP plug-in with WCIF ImageJ

michael shaffer
Wayne replys ...

> The Multiple Image Processor plugin at
> is distributed as a JAR file ("M_I_P.jar"). All you have to
> do is copy this file to the ImageJ plugins folder, restart
> ImageJ, and there will be a new "Multiple Image Processor"
> command in the Plugins menu. You can also copy the file to an
> immediate subfolder of the plugins folder. In this case,
> after restarting ImageJ, the command will appear in the
> submenu of the Plugins menu that corresponds to the subfolder.

  Hmmm(?) ... The MIP distribution included a JAR file, and the intructions
were to copy it to a 'filters' subfolder of 'plugins', ... But for the WCIF
installation the "filters" submenu never showed.  I tried copying the JAR to
the 'plugins' directory, but MIP still didn't show.

  I just installed the NIH ImageJ distribution, copied "MIP.jar" to its
filters directory, and MIP still didn't show(???)  The file
"MultipleImageProcessor.class" will compile and run, but the MIP
distribution contains other 'class' files, which I imagine also need to
compile.  It would seem the MIP installation is more complex than simply
putting the JAR file in the plugins directory(?)

Genuinely, Michael Shaffer  :o)

SEM/MLA Research Coordinator
     (709) 737-6799 (ofc)
     (709) 737-6790 (lab)
     (709) 737-6193 (FAX) 

Inco Innovation Centre
c/o Memorial University
230 Elizabeth Avenue
P.O. Box 4200
St. John's, NL A1C 5S7
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Re: using the MIP plug-in with WCIF ImageJ

michael shaffer
In reply to this post by michael shaffer
 Joel Sheffield writes ...

> I just tried this, and there was no problem at all. I used
> the download manager in Firefox to deposit the jar file into
> the Plugins directory, and when I opened ImageJ, there it
> was [...]

Gabriel Landini writes ...

> [...]
> If you still have problems, have a look inside the jar file
> (it is a zip archive, so you can rename it as zip to open it)
> for a file called plugins.config, this should show where the
> menu entries should appear.

Thanx for the responses!  Neither provides the exact remedy, but Gabriel
provided the clue.  The plugin has been fixed.  My browser was somehow
recognizing the JAR as a ZIP, and renaming it.  I thought it was a zipped
file and unzipped it before putting it in the proper directory.

Lesson learned: Watch out for MS IE renaming JAR files!!!

Genuinely, Michael Shaffer  :o)

SEM/MLA Research Coordinator
     (709) 737-6799 (ofc)
     (709) 737-6790 (lab)
     (709) 737-6193 (FAX) 

Inco Innovation Centre
c/o Memorial University
230 Elizabeth Avenue
P.O. Box 4200
St. John's, NL A1C 5S7