About 20 years ago I wrote software to produce a sequential list of points around the perimeter object.
Part Part Syst Charact 12 ((1995) 28-37
It was used to calculate fractal dimension, far better than box counting, and a basis for a very efficient way of obtaining the maximum feret diameter.
It be a very useful addition to imageJ
Jeremy Adler
[hidden email]
From: ImageJ Interest Group [
[hidden email]] on behalf of xin fang [
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Sent: 09 February 2015 23:24
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Subject: Output boundary coordinates of particles
I have a problem on particle analysis using ImageJ. I need to output the boundary coordinates of discrete particles (no overlap) on a 2D 8 or 16 bit gray scale image. The output format of boundaries needs to be clockwise or counterclockwise along the perimeter of each particle. I need the particle boundary output to construct a model for finite element modeling. Does any one know how to do that in ImageJ?
Many thanks,Xinding
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